Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Slowing Down

Wow. I really didn't expect myself to get so bad at posting so soon after starting this blog! It's not that I've lost interest or haven't been thinking at all about Lady Daydream and the goals I've made for myself to work on making my daydreams become reality. On the contrary! It's been on my mind constantly, just not in the most positive of ways... I've had a lot of anxiety about it!

"Ah! I'm not doing anything to make my life the way I want it! I'm a terrible, flaky person... Why am I not productive enough to do all that I want and need to be doing in life?"

Such are the thoughts that have been coming whenever I think about this blog and all I set out to do with it. I did come to a helpful realization, however: There are certain things I just have to do at this time in my life like working, living in a little apartment, and saving every bit of money, so I just need to slow down, accept what I cannot change, and know that my daydreams can all be realized eventually down the road! I need not expect more than itty bitty baby steps from myself. After all, the underlying theme of all my daydreams is me being happy, at peace, and enjoying each moment. That is something I do have the ability to work towards each day!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stencils and Hot Pink

Hi all! Hope you've been having a great week. Mine's been, for the most part, really nice! Been blasting my favorite country songs, making multiple trips to the local library (the clerks always smile at me as I walk out with a much-too-heavy stack of books), and doing a pretty good job at living out my daydreams, particularly my daydreams about using my hands to create beautiful things. Thought I would share what I've been making and also let you know that if you like any of the handcrafted items you see here on Lady Daydream, check out my new Etsy Shop where I will be listing them! 

I crafted these music book bags for the violin classes I teach. The kids loved them! 

This is a wire and string necklace pendant I had a lot of fun with. I'm so in love with hot pink right now! It screams, and I mean literally screams, "SUMMER!" to me. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pretty Peacocks

I've been daydreaming about peacocks since yesterday afternoon. Did you know that there's a wild flock in Arcadia, California? Yep, just chillin' around the neighborhood. I had to get out of the car and snap some pictures. They seemed to like the attention, like they know how gorgeous they are. They're really like creatures straight from a fairytale!

I'm definitely going to stick with this color theme for awhile: almost florescent turqoise, deep blue, and neon green. Warmed my heart to spend time with such beautiful animals! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Flimsy Little Book

Happy weekend! I got my weekend started off right with a little craft project. I was daydreamin' earlier this week about making a book from scratch to keep all my blog post ideas in. I wanted something small and flimsy so it would fit in my over-filled purse or in the small shoulder bags I like to take on walks. Here's what I came up with...
I cut a bunch of pieces of paper to the size I wanted and made titles out of magazine clippings for each subject. I always love how mismatched magazine letters turn out!
I chose some cardstock and a picture I like from a magazine for the front cover. I love the look of paper and stitching, so I used embroidery floss to stitch on the picture and to emphasize the text. It helps to place the cover on carpet and pre-poke the holes so you don't hurt your finger trying to push through the cardstock with each stitch.
Poking my needle through the stack of paper for the binding proved to be pretty much impossible even when I tried going one page at a time, so I figured it would work better to grab a hammer and a nail. It worked! Just make sure to have a block of wood underneath. 
Here's how it turned out! I love how the butterfly ended up landing on the tail of "Lady." Totally didn't plan that... Now I'm super excited to write out all my daydreams! Do you all jot down your ideas, whatever they may be? Have a great weekend. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chalk Therapy

Hi everyone! So I daydream a lot about living spontaneously instead of making sure to always be productive, organized, and scheduled like society makes us feel we need to be. I don't want to miss out on beautiful moments like taking a lazy little cat nap in the sun or sitting and just listening to the birds chirping their tiny hearts out, and I certainly think it would defeat the purpose to have to schedule things like that in. I fought my anxiety and the urge to work on something I "should have" been working on today and went outside with my cat Gracie and a bucket of sidewalk chalk. I call it "Chalk Therapy!"

Take even just a few minutes out of your day to do something that you loved doing as a kid. Please comment with your stories! I love new ideas... 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hello + A Peek Inside My Daydreams

Hi everyone! I'm Lady Daydream, and I'm starting this blog because I'm realizing how day after day is slipping by without me getting much closer to the life I imagine in my daydreams. No more! Post by post, I'm going to turn my life into the one in my daydreams in spite of my challenging anxiety and low budget. I'm still working on Lady Daydream's design, but realized that if my blog is about taking action, I'd better start posting!

I daydream about a lot of beautiful (and random) things. You can expect to see lots of D.I.Y. posts, posts about new places I dream about checking out, posts about fashion, gardening, cooking, art, music, vintage-shopping, decorating, nature... My biggest hope for this blog is that it will help me to overcome my anxiety and achieve the life I dream about and inspire you all to turn your daydreams into reality too!

Let's get the week started with a peek inside my daydreams. Here's what's taking up space in my head this week...

Spend a few minutes making a moodboard for yourself! Put it  somewhere you'll see it often like as your desktop wallpaper if its digital. Thanks for stopping by my brand new blog!