Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chalk Therapy

Hi everyone! So I daydream a lot about living spontaneously instead of making sure to always be productive, organized, and scheduled like society makes us feel we need to be. I don't want to miss out on beautiful moments like taking a lazy little cat nap in the sun or sitting and just listening to the birds chirping their tiny hearts out, and I certainly think it would defeat the purpose to have to schedule things like that in. I fought my anxiety and the urge to work on something I "should have" been working on today and went outside with my cat Gracie and a bucket of sidewalk chalk. I call it "Chalk Therapy!"

Take even just a few minutes out of your day to do something that you loved doing as a kid. Please comment with your stories! I love new ideas... 


  1. Ooooohhh, I love you! You are just too cute. Have I told you that I have always wanted to make Lacey and Henry cookies just so I could take a bite of your cuteness!

    1. Hahahaha! Please send me a picture of those cookies! :D

  2. I have always loved sitting down and doing water colors. Even the cheap 99 cent water colors work wonders for a blank sheet of paper. =)

    1. I totally forgot about those 99cent watercolors! We used to make butterflies by folding our painted papers in half then opening them up to see what kind of design came out. This is totally going in my "Blog Idea Book." Thanks for reminding me!
