Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Slowing Down

Wow. I really didn't expect myself to get so bad at posting so soon after starting this blog! It's not that I've lost interest or haven't been thinking at all about Lady Daydream and the goals I've made for myself to work on making my daydreams become reality. On the contrary! It's been on my mind constantly, just not in the most positive of ways... I've had a lot of anxiety about it!

"Ah! I'm not doing anything to make my life the way I want it! I'm a terrible, flaky person... Why am I not productive enough to do all that I want and need to be doing in life?"

Such are the thoughts that have been coming whenever I think about this blog and all I set out to do with it. I did come to a helpful realization, however: There are certain things I just have to do at this time in my life like working, living in a little apartment, and saving every bit of money, so I just need to slow down, accept what I cannot change, and know that my daydreams can all be realized eventually down the road! I need not expect more than itty bitty baby steps from myself. After all, the underlying theme of all my daydreams is me being happy, at peace, and enjoying each moment. That is something I do have the ability to work towards each day!


  1. You are awesome! Don't stress at all about what you said you would do! Just write as often as you have the time. No one is going to come beat down your door because you didn't post one week! I love your blog and I love you! Hope to be able to catch up with you in person some time~

  2. Thanks Wendy! I tend to think in black and white, and I'm getting really sick of it. I appreciate your comment and would love to catch up in person sometime! I'll be in Utah in July.
